A ELB – Escola de Pilotos é homologada pela SULBEM SUPER LIGA BRASILEIRA DE ESPORTES A MOTOR e oferece
cursos, clínicas e trackdays para todos os pilotos, além de contar com o serviço de realização de SAG
(regulagem de suspensão) em seus eventos (acesse a aba Produtos & Serviços e entenda um pouco
sobre o SAG).
Edson Luís Barbosa (instrutor chefe da ELB – Escola de Pilotos) possui vasta experiência nas pistas
(participou do Paulista, 200 milhas, 500 milhas, GP 600, com diversos cursos em várias escolas pelo
país), e conta com uma equipe de Instrutores Auxiliares extremamente dedicados.
Priorizamos este quesito. A segurança está sempre em primeiro lugar. Temos seguro de vida !
Damos prioridade para as categorias inferiores, para que todos possam se divertir e aprender !
Tomamo cuidado com esse quesito, por isso temos um dos preços mais acessíveis do país !
Gostamos de tratar vocês nossos clientes com total respeito e cordialidade.
Nosso atendimento é nota mil, venha e tenha o prazer de ver como funciona nossos cursos!
FOUNDED BY KEITH CODE Founded by Keith Code in 1980, the California Superbike School offers a step-by-step method of technique-oriented rider training in the art of cornering motorcycles.The California Superbike School‘s four training levels are completed in order with each of the first three levels presenting precise technical riding skills, taught the old-fashioned way – one step at a time.Each skill builds upon the last to create a complete package of control and confidence. The fourth level then tunes in to a rider’s personal goals and objectives with personalised and more intensive on and off track coaching support.
CODE’S APPROACH Keith Code’s methodology has been taught to numerous championship winning riders including Wayne Rainey, James Toseland, Leon Camier and 2021 World Supersport Champion Dominique Aegerter. As at today, riders who have been trained either at his schools or by Keith personally have won over 65 world and national racing championships.Keith’s content and approach to teaching has now spread all over the world. His California Superbike Schools have operated at over 90 circuits worldwide in 25+ countries and its cohort of highly experienced coaches have trained over 160,000 students. Keith’s books “A Twist of the Wrist”, “A Twist of the Wrist – Volume II” and “The Soft Science of Road Racing Motorcycles” have become international best sellers and are considered by professional motorcyclists as the definitive texts for motorcycle riding.The California Superbike School is a school first and foremost – and not a track day as most riders would understand it. Circuits are used for the school’s training days in order to allow students to practise the taught skills and drills in a professional and safe environment. The number of students is limited on any given day and the coaching ratio is maintained at 1 coach to every 3 students – albeit Level 4 students also benefit from the support of an additional off-track coach.
GLOBAL MOTORCYCLE EVENTS The UK branch of the school is operated by GME Motorcycles with Keith Code’s personal endorsement and support. Gary Adshead, its founder and principal, have been involved with the California Superbike School for many years.Gary acts as the UK school’s Chief Riding Coach and Seminarist and started his superbike school journey when he attended the school’s Level 1 in 2000 at Oulton Park. Level 2 quickly followed at Cadwell Park which is where Gary met Keith Code for the first time. Gary became a riding coach in 2001 and received the inaugural Coach of the Year award in 2002. He continued training students on track until 2010. It was at this point he was selected to be personally trained by Keith in the delivery of the classroom seminars which he has delivered since then.All staff, including the on-track coaches and the school’s operations team are trained to a set of professional and exacting standards. These have been developed over forty years and the standards of tuition are unparalleled in the motorcycle industry.
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